Tokenomics - Burn Baby Burn!!

A percentage of all transactions are automatically burned making Pussycat token a deflationary asset

3 min readFeb 11, 2022

Pussycat is a deflationary meme coin with special tokenomics that are encoded in the token smart contract on the blockchain for 100% fairness and full community transparency.

Notable Tokenomics Features

  • Automatic Liquidity Pool
    3% of fees will automatically be added to the Liquidity Pool
  • Static Rewards
    3% of all fees are automatically distributed to the holders. In other words it pays to hold PUSS
  • Invest in Charity
    1% of all transactions go directly to the Marketing & Charity Wallet
  • Automatic Burn
    1% of all transactions are automatically burned making PUSS a deflationary asset.

How does the Automatic Burn work?

For every transaction, whether it is to buy/sell or transfer between wallets, 1% of the amount is burned automatically by sending the tokens to Binance Smart Chain’s de facto on-chain burn wallet address:

At the Genesis of Binance Smart Chain this address was created and marked as burn address following in the footsteps of same addresses on the Ethereum and Polygon networks. As no one holds the private key to this address, any tokens transferred to this wallet cannot be recovered and are lost forever.

Burn Tally?

How many tokens have been burned? Since Pussycat token’s inception at block #12255881 (31st of October, 2021), there has been a total of 5,459,415,957,086.80802518 PUSS tokens burned.

That is a staggering 2.39% of total supply burned and this number will only keep increasing from here on. You do not have to take our word for it, all this data can be verified on the public blockchain at anytime:

Will the burns continue?

We have no plan to slow down or stop the automatic burn process. In fact as the amount of on-chain activity we see with PUSS token increases then the more burns that will occur will also increase.

And we have a lot of new projects and on-chain dapps planned for just this month alone which are going to set record numbers of transactions going forward for the month of January, these include:

  • PussySwap
  • PrideCatz — Initial NFT Offering
  • NFT Airdrop
  • NFT Farming

So what are you waiting for? Go grab hold of some PUSS now!!!




Meme coin with a Social Conscience; Advocating Women’s Rights Through Cryptocurrency. 100% coded by Women developers!